
Pooping Rainbows

Some folks just don't get the whole 'poops rainbows' phenomena. Well, to clarify, here's where it all started - one very adorable lolcat....

funny pictures
see more crazy cat pics

It's pretty self-explanatory. Her farts probably smell like roses too. Srsly...


Danielle said...

OK - I so quoted this to my husband the other day ;) (he wasn't quite so amused at the time). . .

Noel said...

so.....I'm not up on this "Pooping Rainbows" thing...too old and out of the loop. But I could certainly take this kitten home. Yep that's the kitten I want!

mokidoku said...

Hehe...I'm on it - I'm on it! In fact, I found one that looks awfully close to that one, but is more orange-ish. He is Super Cute and will be ready in about a month. I'm waiting to see what sort of personality he has before making an official recommendation! ;) Will send pic soon!