
Addicted to America

OK...so, now every afternoon this week about the same time, I get this song called Sister Golden Hair by the group America stuck in my head. I have no idea why this keeps happening b/c I don't even have the radio on or anything. Maybe someone somewhere in the office is quietly humming the song and my sub-conscious is picking up on it. Hoo Noes! So, I go online in search of it b/c the ONLY way to get rid of a song stuck in your head is to actually go and listen to it (srsly, folks) - and so I find myself watching yet this same youtube video again...and again...and again...

I think all the clapping is rather mesmerizing. ;) There's this one point (~1:05) where the camera zooms in on some ladies in the front row who are being sent to the back for some reason or another by the *STAFF* (Ma'am, you apparently have no rhythm, I'm going to have to ask you to leave). I know...fascinating, really - but, I was only alive for three years out the 70's decade and this is exactly how I remember them! ;)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Teresa - really - your killin' me. . .I just discovered that you'd begun re-blogging, and you've really got some classic ones here ;)

And yes - the footage of the ladies with no rhythm being escorted out of camera sight is perfect!!